Productions & Events
Recalling Mother: Her Lines, My Lines — And So The Conversations Continue
Join Claire Wong and Noorlinah Mohamed for an honest, open, and insightful conversation, as we hold space to voice our thoughts and listen to each other. read more»
The Fourth Trimester: Process Insight Talk
Playwright Faith Ng and dramaturg Huzir Sulaiman take you into the world of THE FOURTH TRIMESTER, a powerful new play about parenthood, adulthood, and what it means to be happy in contemporary Singapore. read more»
Chamber Readings: Plays by Huzir Sulaiman: Process Insight Talk
Joint Artistic Directors Claire Wong and Huzir Sulaiman discuss OCCUPATION (2022, 2012, 2002) and THE WEIGHT OF SILK ON SKIN (2022 and 2011), two classic Checkpoint Theatre plays which have become part of Singapore’s literary canon. read more»
In Conversation: Singapore Beyond the Circuit Breaker
Join Huzir Sulaiman and Dr. Yoong in a lively conversation about the intersection of science, policy, healthcare, and the arts in the face of our new realities. read more»
Claire Wong: The Director’s Craft
Claire Wong discusses her strategies as director of the latest three multidisciplinary productions, beginning from script analysis to the world-making of each play. read more»
Eat Duck: Process Insight Talk with playwright Zenda Tan
Join us at EAT DUCK: PROCESS INSIGHT TALK, as playwright Zenda Tan brings us through the two-year-long journey that led to this astute play of a family in mourning. read more»
Displaced Persons’ Welcome Dinner: Process Insight Talk
Playwright Huzir Sulaiman and composer-musical directors .gif (Chew Wei Shan and Nurudin Sadali) provided an inside look at the physical, emotional and aural worlds of the SIFA 2019 commission. read more»
Book Launch of Faith Ng: Plays Volume 1
Launched in the National Museum of Singapore in 2016, Faith Ng: Plays Volume 1 reflects Singapore life in all its emotional complexity. read more»