Associate Artist Play Readings
Checkpoint Theatre’s Associate Artist Scheme nurtures the work of theatre-makers Lucas Ho, Faith Ng, Joel Tan and Shiv Tandan. Across four evenings in the intimate setting of the Arts House Play Den, dramatised readings of their works-in-progress were presented. Two different programmes spread across 4 days included two full-length plays and four selections from the Associate Artists monologue project that continue to be developed for production.
8-9 Dec 2013, Play Den at The Arts House
Normal by Faith Ng (Full-length play)
Midnight Surcharge by Lucas Ho (Monologue)
That Daniel by Joel Tan (Monologue)
10-11 Dec 2013, Play Den at The Arts House
Our Lady of Lourdes by Joel Tan (Full-length play)
A Language of Our Own by Faith Ng (Monologue)
Past Perfect by Shiv Tandan (Monologue)