Thought-provoking and emotionally charged, these seven critically acclaimed plays by Checkpoint Theatre’s Associate Artists delve into the complexities of what it means to call Singapore home. With engaging characters, powerful storytelling, and razor-sharp dialogue, Feels Like Home: New Singapore Plays Volume 3 is an essential collection of contemporary Singapore theatre. Settle in, get comfortable, and let these plays take you to a place that feels just like home.
Edited by Lucas Ho and Huzir Sulaiman, with an introduction by Dr Alvin Eng Hui Lim.
- FRAGO by Lucas Ho
- Still Life by Dana Lam
- 28.8 by Adib Kosnan
- Eat Duck by Zenda Tan
- Swipe Right by Luke Somasundram
- A Fistful of Rupees by Shiv Tandan
- A Good Death by Faith Ng