Election Day
Election Day is a darkly humorous study of male friendship set against the simmering backdrop of the Malaysian elections. The witty sketch was written by Huzir Sulaiman and first staged in Kuala Lumpur in a matter of weeks after the high stakes political race of 1999 Malaysia General Elections; drawn from Huzir’s own experience as a volunteer for an opposition candidate.
First produced in Singapore in 2004 by Checkpoint Theatre.
Creative Team
- Playwright
Huzir Sulaiman
- Director
Claire Wong
- Actor
Huzir Sulaiman
- Press
Huzir manages to mock as well as individualize them in a high energy performance directed by Claire Wong.
The Straits Times, SG
Writing as crisp as keropok and infused with rich, local imagery ... Huzir takes the liberties with his caricatures of the three racial representatives .... to great humorous effect
The Business Times, SG